Our vision at OBA is for every child to dare to shine. To be able to do this they need to have the courage to dare, to act boldly, to venture forwards and to take risks in their pursuit to shine. To dare to shine our children need courage and choices.
These form the basis of our vision. Courage is a character attribute and one that is embodied in our motto. To dare you need to be courageous.
While we want our children to be polite and respectful, it is only through having the strength of courage to go further than anyone else that they will be successful. Being courageous is hard enough though, and at OBA we build this explicitly into our curriculum – our learning journey for every child. We want them to have the courage to:
Hand in hand with courage, we want our children to have the knowledge that will enable them to make the right choices:
We want all our children to dare to shine in the right way, and that takes courage, and it means making the right choices. The knowledge to make the right choices and the courage to dare to shine are not delivered overnight. They are developed through our curriculum, from the moment they start with us on their journey, until they leave us in Year 13. Courage and choices are the golden threads that must run through our formal time-tabled curriculum and our extensive curriculum offer, to enable us to bring our motto to life.