We expect all students to attend the academy all of the time, although we understand that circumstances may mean a student is absent. We expect students to be punctual at all times.
It is an expectation that all students achieve 96% attendance. Absence from the academy has a negative impact on a child’s education. Good punctuality is also essential to make the most of your learning.
Successful students have excellent attendance and punctuality. Not attending school for only one day a week equates to only 80% attendance. This means that your child will miss out on a whole school year of learning during their first five crucial years in secondary education.
Students will receive weekly updates regarding their attendance & punctuality during tutor time. Students also can identify which attendance club they are in to recognise their achievements and also if they need to improve their attendance and how school may support them in doing this.
Academy attendance contacts
You can contact the attendance team using our dedicated email address [email protected] or by calling main reception.
“Lucere Aude” – attendance is 100%. This is an outstanding level of attendance. Rewards include:
“Lucere Aude” – attendance is between 98% and 99.9%. This is an excellent level of attendance. Rewards include:
“Lucere Aude” – attendance is between 96% and 97.9%. This is a good level of attendance and meets OBA’s minimum expectation. Rewards include:
This is not acceptable – attendance is between 92% and 95.9%. This is below OBA’s minimum expectation of attendance and requires improvement. Possible interventions:
This is below expected – attendance is less than 92%. This is an unacceptable level of attendance and a cause for concern. Attendance needs to be improved. Possible interventions:
Parents/carers should ensure that their children attend school every day and arrive on time.
If your child is going to be absent you must phone the school by 8:30am each day of absence on 01928 711643. Failure to do so will result in OBA making contact with you. Remember to update us on the situation every day.
You must also provide a note on the first day that your child returns to school. This should be given to their form tutor. A telephone call or letter does not in itself authorise an absence.
Only the academy’s attendance team can authorise an absence after considering the information you have provided. If your child’s attendance is below 95% you will be asked for medical evidence to authorise any additional absences.
Authorised absences still affect your child’s attendance record. They may include:
Unauthorised absences may include:
Medical or dental appointments should be made outside of school time wherever possible, or supported by a valid appointment card or letter. Students should be encouraged to attend before and after appointments.
The academy works in partnership with the Education Welfare Service to ensure regular attendance from all of its students and to assist and support students and their families. If your child is not attending the academy regularly, the absence has not been authorised by the academy and there has been no improvement following the academy’s attempts to get an improvement, an Education Welfare Officer may visit you. This may result in legal action being taken.
Amendments to the 2006 regulations have removed references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days. The amendments make clear that we may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The academy will, therefore, not authorise a holiday in term time except in the most extreme and very exceptional circumstances. In such circumstances, a written application must be made to the Principal at least one month prior to the expected date of the holiday. An appropriate response will then be sent to you in writing.
All students are expected to be in their tutor rooms ready to be registered at 8.30am. Students arriving after this time will be marked late. Any students arriving after 8.50am should sign in at reception.
However, please remember it is always better to be late rather than not in at all!
Students arriving late to the academy will be detained at the end of the day for up to one hour.
Persistent lateness can affect your child’s attendance and may lead to discussions with the Education Welfare Officer in order to address the concerns, and if punctuality does not improve a penalty notice may be issued when students continue to be persistently late for school and/or arrive after the register has closed.