New Students

To make sure that students settle into academy life we have a comprehensive transition and induction package for each child.

Transition into Year 7

As well as arranging lots of exciting opportunities for primary pupils to visit the academy and spend time here, we also have a fantastic team of teachers who go out to work with children in our local primary schools. To provide an insight into secondary school life, primary pupils regularly undertake taster and project days where they experience a range of subjects including English, maths, dance, drama, art, PE, textiles, science, and technology and use the academy’s impressive and varied facilities to bring their learning to life.

Mrs Snagg is our Associate Assistant Principal for Transition and she works closely with your child’s Year 6 teacher in the run up to their move to the academy. Mrs Snagg finds out everything we need to know to ensure that your child is placed in the right house and form group as well as an academic set which meets their needs and provides the right level of challenge and support.

When your child has been allocated a place at the academy they will receive a confirmation welcome letter. Parents/carers also receive a letter with key dates and information about the transition process.

Students will attend two full induction days at the academy in July and parents/carers will be invited to attend an induction evening where they will have the opportunity to meet their child’s form tutor, pastoral manager and head of year.
