We recognise the importance of homework. Students make most progress when they regularly complete between 1 and 2 hours each day of structured work outside of class.
We have created a homework timetable for the core subjects to ensure homework is manageable. All set homework will be due in for the following day. In Years 7 to 9 the creative subjects, such as art and music, are not part of the homework timetable and will set longer deadlines for work to ensure students have sufficient time to complete.
Students are welcome to remain in school and receive support and computer access each afternoon after period 5 in our library.
Although homework will be issued by class teachers according to the timetable. Specific details and records of completed homework can be found on Edulink (free app) but can also be accessed via a web browser. A students log in details are their normal school email and password they would use to log into a network computer in school, for example:
For any difficulties logging in please contact: passwords@ob-ac.co.uk.