Exam Preparation

Mock examinations

Students will sit practice examinations in Key Stage 4 using past exam papers selected at random. This is to replicate real examination conditions. Full information regarding the rules surrounding exams can be found at the bottom of the page.

Examination timetables will be published approximately a month prior to exams. Students will need to check the exam notice board outside the exams office.

Students will be supported with mock exam results and academic mentors or form tutors when talking through next steps who will suggest action plans that will further improvements for subsequent exams.

Online support

Students are given log-in information at the start of year for the platforms below, to support home revision and homework.

  • Tassomai
  • Seneca Learning
  • Maths Watch
  • BBC Bitesize

Half term and Easter revision school

We may provide revision sessions, either virtually or in person over school holidays. Parents will be sent a calendar of lessons which will be emailed in advance to parents and students as well as being published on exam notice boards.

Year 11 parent information evenings

Parents are invited to attend either virtual or face to face meetings to find out how they can support their child with their studies alongside how to deal with exam stress, revision and next steps such as sixth form applications.

Revision at home

Your teachers and heads of subject areas are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to which resources will best help you to revise for each of your subjects.

Make good use of the revision materials you are given in school and keep everything in organised folders at home, so that you can keep them and refer back to them when preparing for your exams. Make sure you know the best books and study guides to get and ask your teachers for advice on which ones you should invest in.

Health and nutrition are essential for effective revision and study

  • Exercise: 68% of boys and 41% of girls (13 to 15 year-olds) achieve the recommended 60 minutes per day.
  • Fluids: The recommendation is to drink 6 to 8 glasses/day (1.2 litres) to prevent dehydration and headaches.
  • Food: Eat a balanced and varied diet. Eat little and often and not after 11pm .
  • Sleep: 85% of teens get less than the minimum requirement of 8½ hours of sleep.
  • A problem shared: Do not suffer in silence, we have all been there!
  • Stress/anxiety: Speak up, we have lots of strategies we can recommend.
  • Work/life balance: Be realistic and always leave time for yourself. Be kind to yourself, this period of time will come to an end eventually.

Source: British Nutrition Foundation