Year 7 ICT Skills

A practical, working knowledge and ability to use technology effectively is an important part of equipping children for future learning and future employability. We believe in teaching children the key knowledge and skills to enable them to use technology to complement and improve their work and life experiences.

At Ormiston Bolingbroke Academy we proudly offer a functional Information Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum alongside our Computer Science subject offer. All students in year 7 will spend one hour per fortnight learning functional ICT with specialist teachers. All students in years 7, 8 and 9 study Computer Science for one lesson per week discretely.

Our ICT curriculum is designed to give children the ability to use technology effectively and to become digitally literate. In our modern society, where new technology is being introduced and developed constantly, it is important that children have an insight into how digital systems work and how they can use programming to effect changes. They also need the skills to be able to respond to developments in technology and gain new knowledge. We also recognise that our students use a wide range of technology in varying contexts and need to be equipped with a solid understanding of online safety.

The year 7 ICT curriculum is themed around a project where they will develop core ICT skills using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel as well as desktop publishing and digital literacy skills. See below.

The following websites and information will provide additional support, knowledge, and reference of how Computing informs our everyday lives.