Remote Learning

Should remote learning become necessary, remote learning will be synchronised with the normal school timetable. Lessons will be accessible through Microsoft Teams. All students can access Microsoft Teams through a web browser at or through a dedicated app. using their school username and password (e.g. [email protected]).

For periods of remote learning, teachers will be available during their normal working school hours.   Teachers will set work for their classes which is commensurate with what they would normally set and in line with the school curriculum. Work will be assigned using the class team assignment function on Microsoft Teams. Work will be assigned before 9am on the day of the scheduled lesson. Any tasks to be completed should take approximately 1 hour to complete. 

Learning will be monitored by Curriculum leaders and SLT links of each subject in line with the above guidelines.

Students may submit work using Microsoft Teams. This may be in the form of a complete document e.g. Word / PowerPoint or completed quiz – this software is free for all our student to download an access remotely. Staff will view and comment on live work being completed during a schedule lesson slot via Microsoft teams. Staff will adhere to the whole school feedback policy for provided feedback to students for prolonged periods of remote learning. 

If there is a concern around the level of engagement of a child or group of children, staff will make contacted via phone to access whether school intervention can assist engagement.

Any complaints or concerns in periods of remote learning should be reported to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.