Careers education and guidance at OBA
OBA has a range of resources for both parents and students at our dedicated careers website, and further careers information can be found on the OAT Futures website.
Our careers programme
OBA is committed to meeting the eight Gatsby Benchmarks which are the national standard for what makes an effective programme of careers education and guidance. These benchmarks are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Furthermore, OBA is committed to meeting the requirements of the new Provider Access Legislation (published in January 2023) which entitles students to encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. Students will receive two such encounters in each key stage.
Each year group will receive a minimum entitlement of careers education and guidance each year (outlined below) but OBA endeavours to provide as many additional activities and experiences as possible. Many opportunities become available during the year and teachers will also make clear links between their subjects and careers throughout the year, so it is not possible to list absolutely everything here. However, each student can expect:
Year 7
- At least one meaningful encounter with an employer
- Visiting speakers in assemblies
Year 8
- At least one meaningful encounter with an employer
- “Me and my future” project, delivered as part of the Lessons for Life curriculum.
- Visiting speakers in assemblies
Year 9
- At least one meaningful encounter with an employer
- “Me and my future” project, delivered as part of the Lessons for Life curriculum.
- Access to careers and labour market information through the Unifrog online service
- Visiting speakers in assemblies
- Extended off-timetable careers activity day (this has previously been delivered by Young Enterprise)
- Careers advisor present at options evening
Year 10
- At least one meaningful encounter with an employer
- Work experience
- Access to careers and labour market information through the Unifrog online service
- Visiting speakers in assemblies
- A visit to a university
- Biannual careers convention, featuring visitors from local and national employers, training and apprenticeship providers, and a range of further education and higher education providers
- Careers content delivered through the Lessons for Life curriculum
- Careers advisor present at progress evening
Year 11
- At least one meaningful encounter with an employer
- One-to-one careers advice with an independent qualified careers advisor
- Access to careers and labour market information through the Unifrog online service
- Visiting speakers in assemblies
- Biannual careers convention, featuring visitors from local and national employers, training and apprenticeship providers, and a range of further education and higher education providers
- Careers advisor present at progress evening
Year 12
- At least one meaningful encounter with an employer
- Work experience
- One-to-one careers advice with an independent qualified careers advisor
- Access to careers and labour market information through the Unifrog online service
- Visiting speakers in assemblies
- Biannual careers convention, featuring visitors from local and national employers, training and apprenticeship providers, and a range of further education and higher education providers
- Careers advisor present at progress evening
- Careers sessions delivered as part of the Lessons for Life curriculum
- Attendance at the UCAS and Apprenticeships Convention at which takes place at a university campus
- The opportunity to visit at least one more university campus, for those considering applying to university
- Support through the UCAS process, for those applying to university, including a visit to the UCAS conference
Year 13
- At least one meaningful encounter with an employer
- Access to careers and labour market information through the Unifrog online service
- Visiting speakers in assemblies
- Biannual careers convention, featuring visitors from local and national employers, training and apprenticeship providers, and a range of further education and higher education providers
- Careers advisor present at progress evening
- Careers sessions delivered as part of the Lessons for Life curriculum
- Support through the UCAS process, for those applying to university
All careers encounters will be logged on the online service Unifrog, which students can access to track their experiences and progress. If your son/daughter cannot log onto Unifrog, please contact Mr Oakes.
Assessing the impact of careers education at OBA
The impact of our careers provision will be assessed in a number of ways, including student, staff, employer and parent surveys and through an assessment for the Quality in Careers Standard. OBA was awarded this prestigious quality mark in July 2021. OBA has recently been reassessed for this award and we are expecting news of a positive outcome shortly.
This page was updated October 2023 and will be updated again no later than September 2023